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Booking with MOI

Interested in booking a program with MOI? How about a collaboration?


The Museum of Impact is always looking for the next space to not only show the works of art, but also to inspire dialogue and expression related to its current exhibitions. If you have any questions on our programming or would like to book with us, email us at Use Programming or Booking, along with your organization's name in the subject line. 


We look forward to hearing from you! 

Activist Love Letters Curriculum:
An Exploration to the Black
Lives Matter Movement
Our Next Move
Brooklyn Museum
Pop Up at 1st Saturdays, Black Radical Tradition 

02.06.2016, 05:00 PM

Washington D.C.
May 2016
Fall 2016

The Activist Love Letters program is a curriculum enrichment project for young adults illustrates the dynamic power of dialogue.


Activist Love Letters is an interactive social program that allows participants to engage with one another around the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Facilitated by educators, teens will reflect on their feelings about the martyrs of the movement, learn about the impact of #BlackLivesMatter activists, and engage in dialogue and guided art making, through these activities teens will channel their hope and dreams into a community-building framework. The project challenges teens to articulate their hopes and dreams for the future, while honoring the intention, process and performance of activists working to protect the personhood of people of color across the African diaspora.


The educational aspects of the program will touch on issues of contemporary public history, social justice, and social activism. This program fits within American Studies, Social Studies, Contemporary American History, Race & Urban Studies, Equity & Gender Studies and Character Building amongst other academic concentration. The art project is the construction of dream catchers, and written letters, both of which will help to facilitate a dialogue concerning social justice, student’s futures, and their dreams for themselves and their communities.

This project will empower youth to see themselves as movement builders, organizers and future activists. Activist Love Letters is a forum to introduce teens to the behind the scenes work of activists, guide learning on demonstrations, direct actions and other forms of resistance. 

‘Impetus! Choice Points → Change’

is an activist exhibition addressing the precarity and promise of our relationship to the environment. The show highlights the work of eco conscious artists and activists centering themes of indigenous resistance and water is life, climate + consumption, policies + pollution, sea level + sustainability. The work is varied, featuring photography, prints, conceptual installations, infographics, and virtual reality other artforms.

Artists include: Paige Dansinger, Rejin Leys, Neal McCormick, Karina Puente, Nathan Kensinger, and Michael Premo.

Join us for art, community and conversation on Thursday, September 27 @ 6-8pm at the exhibit opening in the Rotunda Gallery held in the Williamsburg Gallery.


Come back out on Saturday, September 29 11am-1pm for an Urban Edibles Walking Tour with Paige Dansinger. As we walk thru Williamsburg, we will look at the surrounding edible nature the we overlook everyday. Learn what plants you may include in your salads, stir-fries, and culinary delights — as well as, identify plants you would use in emergency or for survival purposes. Understanding how to identify and use edible and medicinal plants that grow in our immediate environments, between sidewalk cracks, planted inboulevards and planters, near libraries, schools, parks and public spaces will empower people, break dependency on industrial agriculture, open dialogue about urban hunger, offer a new relationship with the flora in NYC, — and create the opportunity to be the most fascinating person at the next dinner party!

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© 2016 by The Museum of Impact 

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