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Call for Submissions

We're Looking  

For Your Voice

The Museum of Impact invites all local and national artists and entertainers to apply with his/her original interpretation of artwork around Black Radical Tradition & Black Lives Matter.

Our traveling exhibition, Movement Is Rising: Journey of #BlackLivesMatter, will be traveling to several cities in 2016. 

In consideration for our pop up locations in the spring, artwork should have a focus around Activism, Black Lives Matter, and the Environment. Works will tour with the museum between January – June 2016.


Accepted forms of medium include performance art, interactive demonstration or activity, short videos, self-supported 3D pieces, prints, paintings, drawings, light display, and sound installation. Collectives or group entries will be accepted. New works not previously displayed will be given priority. All artists will be

required to provide curatiorial context about their pieces. 

Artists MUST reside in or have their own transportation to the

New York City Area. 



Submit entries by emailing with file attachments or link to website, youtube video or secure download site. Acceptable format: JPEG, PDF, MOV, MP3, MP4, AVI, WAV


Size Limitations:

  • Performance Art/Interactive Presentation: Between 1 sq ft and 600 sq ft.

  • Video: projection may be limited to 30 x 20 inches

  • 2D artwork: 60 x 60 inches; total weight not to exceed 70 pounds.

  • 3D artwork: 48 x 48 x 48 inches, not to exceed 70 pounds                         (floor installation). 


Work that requires special installation or instructions will be reviewed on an individual basis.

Submission Deadline:
Artist Notification:

Visit for more information and contact the Managing Director with inquries at

‘Impetus! Choice Points → Change’

is an activist exhibition addressing the precarity and promise of our relationship to the environment. The show highlights the work of eco conscious artists and activists centering themes of indigenous resistance and water is life, climate + consumption, policies + pollution, sea level + sustainability. The work is varied, featuring photography, prints, conceptual installations, infographics, and virtual reality other artforms.

Artists include: Paige Dansinger, Rejin Leys, Neal McCormick, Karina Puente, Nathan Kensinger, and Michael Premo.

Join us for art, community and conversation on Thursday, September 27 @ 6-8pm at the exhibit opening in the Rotunda Gallery held in the Williamsburg Gallery.


Come back out on Saturday, September 29 11am-1pm for an Urban Edibles Walking Tour with Paige Dansinger. As we walk thru Williamsburg, we will look at the surrounding edible nature the we overlook everyday. Learn what plants you may include in your salads, stir-fries, and culinary delights — as well as, identify plants you would use in emergency or for survival purposes. Understanding how to identify and use edible and medicinal plants that grow in our immediate environments, between sidewalk cracks, planted inboulevards and planters, near libraries, schools, parks and public spaces will empower people, break dependency on industrial agriculture, open dialogue about urban hunger, offer a new relationship with the flora in NYC, — and create the opportunity to be the most fascinating person at the next dinner party!

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New York, New York

© 2016 by The Museum of Impact 

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